Many times visitors ask me which one is the best way to get to Sao Paulo from the Guarulhos GRU Airport (UPDATED)
Considering that a solution could be more advantageous than another depending on which point of Sao Paulo you want to reach, we publish here all the solutions to reach Sao Paulo from Guarulhos airport GRU.
However, I remind you that it is always a good idea to consult google maps and decide based on the destination.

BY BUS + METRO 6,15+4,30 BRL (Brazilian Real)
The metro station nearest the airport of Guarulhos is Tietê (Line 1 – Blue). There, passengers must use buses to get to the airport.
Other stations that have direct connection by bus to the airport:
Barra Funda (Line 3 – Red)
República (Line 3 – Red)
Tatuapé (Line 3 – Red)
Basically you can get to a metro station taking a bus from the Airport, I recommend you to get the bus to Tatuapé and than from there the Metro to anywhere you like.
BY DIRECT CONNECTION FROM GRU to SP Center (new service) 8,60 BRL (Brazilian Real)
Is is called AIRPORT-EXPRESS and connect the AIRPORT GRU to the center of Sao Paulo stopping at the LUZ metro and train station. This connection takes 35 minutes and it costs about 8 B$ (reais) (2 USD or 1.80 EUR)
It is pretty new so the frequency is low but if it fits in your schedule is surely the best option.
Once out from the airport you'll find a transfer that connect you to the Metro Station Engenheiro Goulart and from there you can take the AIRPORT-EXPRESS
The line operates from Monday to Friday with departures at 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. in the direction Luz-Aeroporto Station and at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. and 9pm in the opposite direction.
BY CONNECT FROM GRU to SP Center (makes few stops on the way) 4,30 BRL (Brazilian Real)
This one is called CONNECT and connect the AIRPORT GRU to the center of Sao Paulo stopping at the BRAS metro and train station. This connection takes also 35 minutes and is the cheapest possible 4.30 B$ (reais) (1,20 USD or 1 EUR)
Connect runs from Brás Station to Guarulhos in 35 minutes, with no need to transfer to Engineer Goulart, but with stops at stations along the way. In operation since October 3, the train makes six trips each way on weekdays (6:25 a.m., 7:05 a.m., 7:45 a.m., 6:05 p.m., 6:45 p.m. and 7:25 p.m.) and three trips on Saturday mornings (at 6:25 a.m., 7:05 a.m. and 7:45 a.m.)
BY METRO FROM LINE 13 to any other SAO PAULO metro (this requires few changes) 4,30 BRL (Brazilian Real)
note: this service is working from 4am to midnight, probably the slowest it is also the cheapest and always working
Line 13 - Jade, which connects Goulart Engineer Station on the east side of São Paulo, to Cumbica International Airport in Guarulhos, began to circulate during business hours on June 4. The train runs from 4am to midnight, with 20 minute intervals at peak times (between 4am and 9am and 4pm and 8pm) and 30 minutes at other times. The ticket is 4.30 reais (metro ticket)
This metro connect you to the center of the city but you'll need to change line 3 times to get there. Below I'll post a map of the metro to clarify :)
BY only BUS
EMTU / SP implemented a service line executive and suburban to meet the user of the airport.
Buses depart from Guarulhos International Airport, bound for the Congonhas Airport, Republic Square, Bus Terminal Tietê and Barra Funda, Itaim Bibi, Paulista / Augusta Hotels Circuit and Tatuapé Metro Station.
Airport Bus Service – EMTU
São Paulo (Tatuapé Metro Station – North Terminal) São Paulo (Congonhas Airport) São Paulo (Republic Square) São Paulo (Hotels Circuit) São Paulo (Itaim Bibi) São Paulo (Barra Funda Bus terminal)
BY private transfers, shuttles taxi and Uber.
Once at the airport, several private services are offered by different companies. The fare can go from 50-80 to 150 reais as private companies are making different prices. As the fare are fixed I recommend you to ask the price before jumping-in, so you don't have bad surprises at your destination ;)
Here below the map of the metro which I believe is in any case the best connection possible. Remember that Metro in Sao Paulo is safe, clean and perfectly working one of the best I've ever seen (word of an experienced traveler!)